Scheduled HOA Events are here! Jump up and down and rejoice!
HOA Tips & HOA Events Tips
The ability for you to plan a (HOA) Hangout on Air event ahead of time is now here for all of us to use. We now have a Real HOA Event Tool
This means the use of the old Event tool may go away for most people and the confusion of an event being a 'hangout' or 'on air' type vs. a hybrid HOA Event may become a thing of the past!
The new "Schedule a Hangout on Air" button creates a SHOAE (Scheduled HOA Event)... with lots of great options and integration so here are the main things you should know about...
Using the Scheduled HOA Event Tool lets you:
► Harvest a Reserved Video Link for an upcoming HOA (you can advertise that ahead of time... Way ahead of time)
► Schedule a HOA Event in advance and advertise that event page
► Add in a Video or Graphic 'Trailer' which will be automatically replaced with the Live HOA video when you start broadcasting (no more hunting around for a YouTube link pasting spot just before you go live)
► If you add a Graphic Trailer image, it can be an animated GIF
► With or without a Graphic Trailer there's a countdown timer when interacted with on the event page (not with a video trailer)
► You can swap out the trailer at any time before the show starts
► Q&A App is easily integrated into the SHOAE
Bottom Line here is that the new Scheduled HOA Event option is much smarter and more like what we've all been wanting for quite a while. Your Event it creates acts as a great landing page for live activity.
Read up on the official Help Page for the tool:
Check out some of my early testing I did re. the tool's options and uses:
Schedule Hangouts on Air - Posting Tips (10/26/13)
New HOA Tools coming our way; Scheduling, Control Room, URLs & more (11/21/13)
Testing out the HOA Scheduling tool's new Branded Graphic Feature (11/23/13)
Extra Tip: To start up an old style HOA instead, try using ...
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#HOAtips #HOAevents #ScheduledHOA #GooglePlusTips #EventsTips
Much more training on this tool is available in the Membership site called Hangout Mastery... signup to keep up![]()
Join the conversation on Google Plus.
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