Yeesh! This is very frightening to me. This is how values, principles and ideas get eroded over time. Change the meaning of a law or statement a little bit at a time. Before you know it, the definition of rich will be any family who makes more than $150k/yr. A few years later it will be any family who makes more than $80k/yr. ad naseum.
"It wasn't long ago that leftist rabble rousers claimed the class warfare mantle of “the 99%” in order to punish the 1% who were wealthy. But it isn't just 1% who are well off. According to the Associated Press, “Fully 20 percent of U.S. adults become rich for parts of their lives.” Then again, in order to make that claim, the Leftmedia outlet has to redefine “rich” a long way down. The details: “The new rich have household income of $250,000 or more at some point during their working lives, putting them – if sometimes temporarily – in the top 2 percent of earners.” That's a ridiculous definition of “rich,” but maybe it's simply a way to “justify” all that wealth redistribution."![]()
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