In the beginning, when I was a seasoned Sergeant in the Marine Corps, I fit the Dress Blues I had purchased as a lowly Lance Corporal. Everything was great! I even got to wear them for my wedding before I finally had no obligation to serve. As with everything else, as life goes on, little changes creep in. Eat a little more pizza each month. Drink more soda while at work. Exercise less. Gain 30 friggin pounds while out of town on contract for 3 months.
While I did remain more active than my friends, I did not care about my diet. And in the ensuing months, nay years, I slowly crept up to 240 pounds. And then, with a mere 10 months warning, my youngest daughter tells us she is getting married, will I please wear my Blues. Well, I had started “working out” and figured I could lose the extra weight in 10 weeks months. Right? Nope. Not knowing what I was doing in the gym I ended up losing maybe 10 pounds. And I felt beat up to boot.
So, watching my bank accounts drain, I paid for another set of Blues and had them shipped to the house. My wife, fortunately a seamstress, did a wonderful job of adding all the touches that make the Blues what they are. The red blood stripe down the trouser legs, the rank insignia and the years in service “hash” marks. And I felt GREAT wearing them. That is until a few weeks later when all the pictures started coming in. I had turned into that uncaring Marine who had let his body go looked more like a pork sausage stuffed into oversized Blues. Wake up call!! (Granted; no one probably thought that thought but me.)
10 November 2013 – My Daughter’s Wedding

08 October 2014 – Fitting of Blues for an event this weekend
A little over 7 weeks ago I found a program called Adonis. While the marketing may be a bit cheesy, the program works. Period. I now find myself in a quandary. I would really like to wear my Blues for a special event this Friday night. So, my wife asked me to try them on so hopefully, if any alterations are needed, she will have time to do them.
Much to my surprise, my Wedding Blues are way too large for me! And, my Blues from my time in service are almost fitting me now! STFU! These are pictures taken today of my (daughter’s wedding) Blues Blouse:

These are pictures of my (late 1980s) Blues Blouse:

As you can see in the last set of photos, my top button and “leather neck” collar are undone. You can also see a pulling around the bottom three buttons – and this is un-sat! I can get the top button and neck closed but it is quite uncomfortable. I know, Blues are not meant to be comfortable. But I do like to breathe over the long run. But tell you what. Come back in 6 weeks and let’s see if they fit completely. I bet you they will.
Another week in the fitness journey. Just 19 more pounds to go.
Semper Fi!