Sunday, November 23, 2014

AI–Cat2/W12 (AT15-Complete)


The Adonis body transformation contest is officially over.  With a 2 week break a couple weeks back while my wife was in the hospital, I am almost finished with CAT 2 and will be moving directly into CAT 3.  The next 7 weeks will be more hit-n-miss for workouts but I will be working at getting 4 workouts in each week.  No reason to stop now that I am going!

I’m not going to post my typical pics this time around.  Rather, I would like to post my before/after pics following 12 weeks of work.  I am not yet at my goals so I will continue to post here – probably 3 or 4 times between now and mid January.

I also want to shout out to the guys on Adonis who had patience with me when I first started and also helped me keep my head in the game while my wife was in the hospital.  These guys rock and really make the Adonis program work!


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Sunday, November 16, 2014

AI–Cat2/W12 (AT15/W12)


We are in the final week of the competition and I love the progress I have made so far.  However, I am not where I wanted to be!  lol

The last few weeks have been eventful, to say the least.  An unexpected source of stress came into my life and you can clearly see the effects on my weight and waist measurements.  You can also see what happened last week when the source of the stress was no longer around.  Quite a nice rebound!

This last week’s lesson?  Don’t under-estimate what stress can do to you!!!

Tracking Graph

AI_Trend_Data AI_Trend


AGR_00 AGR_01


Sunday, November 9, 2014

AI–Cat2/W11 (AT15/W11)

Many things aren't equal but everyone gets the same 24hours a day, 7 days a week. We make time for what we truly want.

You may have noticed I missed a blog entry.  In fact, I missed most of 2 weeks working out and spent most of the time visiting the hospital where my wife spent 8 days fighting a nasty infection.  She’s on the mend and will be back to her Venus workouts probably next week while I return to my workouts this week.

I am hoping that the back sliding I am seeing in my stats will be arrested and continue to go back to positive progress.  I posted in the Adonis forums last week and so far no one has been able to give me an answer to my question:

OK. It's now been 14 days and I seem to have plateaued. My weight has been 212 +/- 1.5 pounds since Oct 17th. It is now the 31st. According to AGR, my intake should be 1599 calories w/no exercise and 1759 calories with 1/2 hr per day exercise. I've looked at MFP and I've been floating right around 1550 average for the last 14 days.

I just looked at my Fitbit charts and my % Body Fat has been steadily declining. It went from 27.4% down to 26.0%. In the first 7 weeks of Adonis I lost a lot of weight (18 lbs.?) but my % Body Fat went from 27.9% to 27.4%. I've lost more %BF in the last 14 days while my weight did not really budge.

Does anyone have any ideas what might be happening or can anyone explain it?
NOTE: BF% and weight are via a Fitbit Aria Scale. I weigh myself each morning but only use the weight taken on Sunday morning for AGR.

OK.  Let’s see what this week brings!  I am backing down from roughly 1500 calories/day to 1300 calories/day.  Metabolism activate!

Tracking Graph

AI_Trend_Data AI_Trend


AGR_00 AGR_01
